Human Resources Policy

Scope: Our human resources policy encompasses not only employees but also the employees of partner companies for which we handle marketing. Partner companies also endorse this human resources policy by signing it, thereby acknowledging their goodwill and responsibilities.

Vision: Human resources management is the cornerstone of our company’s success. Our human resources policy aims to maximize our employees’ talents, encourage collaboration, and prioritize employee satisfaction.

Mission: Our mission is to create an environment where every employee in our company has the opportunity to develop their skills and advance in their careers. Our human resources policy aims to establish a work culture that is fair, respectful, supportive of diversity, and based on ethical values.

Employee Selection and Recruitment: We adopt a fair and impartial approach in the employee selection process. We hire candidates based on their skills, experiences, and potential. We support diversity and adhere to the principle of equal opportunities.

Professional Development: We provide opportunities for our employees to enhance their careers. We support our employees’ continuous improvement of their skills and knowledge through training, mentorship, and performance evaluations.

Employee Well-Being: Our employees’ safety and health are our priority. We commit to improving working conditions continually by taking occupational health and safety measures. We support work-life balance and aim to increase employee satisfaction.

Performance Evaluations: Through performance evaluations, we objectively assess employees’ performance. We recognize their achievements in alignment with objectives and identify areas for improvement. We follow a fair and transparent evaluation process.

Communication and Collaboration: Open communication and collaboration form the foundation of our company culture. We value our employees’ opinions and suggestions. We facilitate effective communication between management and employees and encourage participation at all levels.

Ethical Values: We commit to conducting our work in line with ethical values. We work with justice, honesty, and respect, and act transparently and truthfully.

This Human Resources Policy demonstrates our understanding of the value of our employees at and partner companies and our commitment to supporting their development and satisfaction.